Meaning "precious dew". The flat, very green leaves of this tea are sharply pointed and easily recognizable, creating a gold, green liquor. Its flavor is complex and smooth. This is Japan's best category of green tea, from Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan. Developed and first sold in Japan in 1835 by Yamamoto tea Dynasty. The tea plants are shaded for up to 20 - 30 days in the garden. The sun deprived leaf develops less polyphenol, and more chlorophyll which makes it a much darker green.
How to Prepare- Based on 8 oz Cup
1. Measure out 1.5 tsp of Gyokuro Asahi tea.
2. Boil water until temperature reaches 170-175°.
3. Steep tea for 2-3 minutes.
4. Remove steeped tea leaves.
5. Enjoy your fresh cup of tea!
6. This tea will yield between 2-3 steeps.